sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

Loss Stomach Fat Fast in 8 Steps

Loss stomach fat fast in eight steps

Step 1: to burn belly fat fast you have to keep carbohydrate intake below 30 grams each day for a week. They can be found in most plants but contain little carbohydrate.

Step 2: To reduce your belly fat you have to eat foods rich in fiber, because this will achieve a tendency to lose fat faster.

Step 3: eat lots of smaller meals and more frequently during the day.

Step 4: Make sure to eat healthy foods so you can fully take advantage of the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. When you start to lose weight and burn body fat tends to remove excess water. Therefore it is very important that consume a large amount of water per day (6 to 8 glasses).

Step 5: Work out every day for at least 20 minutes of daily aerobic and anaerobic exercise to burn your belly fat quickly.

Step 6: Take a glass of cold water 30 minutes before eating a meal, as the cold increases metabolic activity that helps digest food.

Step 7: do not stress therefore avoids the high stress levels. When you stand under high levels of stress are likely to start to gain weight, even if your diet controls.

Step 8: make sure you have at least 7 hours of sleep to reduce stomach fat faster.
With these eight steps, you can achieve your goal to burn belly fat quickly and in the comfort of your home.

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miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

Ways to Loose Belly Fat Fast

Fast Stomach Fat Loss

Having excess abdominal fat can not burn can be a serious  problem for our physical appearance, as it is persistent. But fortunately, there are several simple strategies to cope with this fat fast.

Then I will show you simple steps to burn fat around the abdomen in seven weeks:

One thing you have to do is increase your intake of raw foods and proteins. Why? I'll explain. Protein and whole foods are important factors in the fight to melt belly fat as they get large quantities of these foods in your daily diet can do wonders to burn fat as well as weight loss and improve health your overall body.

If you eat more lean protein like yogurt and egg whites can help you feel full at lunchtime and all day. These proteins are necessary for building muscle and eat plenty of them increases your resting metabolism what happens is that your body has to work harder to break down complex proteins into their component amino acids, which translates into calories burned . Proteins give fuel to your muscles so you feel full of energy in the gym.

You should try a workout in the morning, because early and make exercising on an empty stomach your body is forced to burn fat stores to keep running. So instead of burning the calories of the food is burning literally inches from your waist.

Do not develop a pattern of eating, you break all your daily eating habits because you can not eat the same way every day. When we develop a feeding routine that lacks variety our body gets used to taking on the same kind of food every day.

This pattern is very bad for your metabolism, because when metabolism becomes accustomed to a certain habit then stops working as quickly and efficiently as possible to regulate the calories. A slow metabolism is the number one enemy of any fat loss routine.

The solution is very easy you just have to make a change in your eating habits and prevent your metabolism to rest on its laurels. You can not let your body know what is happening. Take your metabolism by surprise designing a program that integrates varied menus every day and make sure they adhere to the new diet.

Linoleic acid (CLA) is a supplement that can boost your metabolism and can reduce abdominal fat. You should not overlook this supplement will help you if you are frustrated with your weight loss.

Vegetable fat intake is another food that help you fat loss, your body needs fat but the fat should be preferred over animal fat vegetable. To recover from your workouts you need to eat vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables.

Many people struggle every day to get these foods but do not always find it, and the reasons can be many: they are too busy or sometimes, because lack of information only. I'll show you a list that will help you help you get the best foods you need to build muscle and lose fat:

1. Egg yolk contains more nutrients because: half of the proteins, vitamins A / D / E and cholesterol naturally good for increasing testosterone levels.

2. The fish oil. This reduces inflammation (joints / skin), lowers body fat and increases testosterone levels. You need 9000mg per day.

3. Wild Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and also gives you the protein.

4. Berries that are strong antioxidants that prevent cancer diseases, heart and eyes. As well as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, among others.

5. Yogurt. This contains bacteria that improve your gastrointestinal health. Do not buy frozen yogurt or yogurt with sugar and fruit on the bottom. Buy low-fat yogurt. You can eat berries and flaxseed.

6. Flax seeds are a source of fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Grind flax seeds to get the most out of them.

7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Has a 70% monounsaturated fats that protect against heart disease and cancer. Add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to your salads.

8. Mixed Nuts: fats contain mono-and polyunsaturated, protein, fiber, vitamin E, zinc, potassium, magnesium, nuts, among others. Work also almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts.

9. Red meat because it has protein, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, creatine, carnosine and even omega-3.

10. Broccoli: excellent in the fight against cancer because of its anti-estrogenic and phytochemicals. Broccoli is also high in soluble fiber and low in calories, helps fat loss. Other vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, and kale.

11. Spinach: one of the most alkaline foods. Spinach not only prevents the loss of bone and muscle mass, but also cancer and heart disease because of its nutrient profile.

12. Quinoa: the "king of grains" in South America. Quinoa is higher in fiber and protein than rice or oats, tastes better and is gluten free.

13. Oats: lower cholesterol; provide you with energy, and soluble fiber.

14. Tomatoes: are high in lycopene, which prevents cancer.

15. Oranges: Vitamin C contains to fight diseases, magnesium to lower blood pressure, and beta-carotene antioxidant.

16. Apples: The pectin in apples helps weight loss by increasing satiety. Apples also contain strong antioxidants

17. Carrots: its huge amount of Vitamin A improves eye health, especially night vision.

18. Water: the body retains water, if you do not drink enough. Prevents drinking water retention, helps muscle recovery and prevents dehydration.

19. Green Tea: antioxidant and natural diuretic. Green tea also speeds up fat loss, prevents cancer and improves levels of blood sugar and circulation.

You make a mistake if you let yourself starve believing it will help you lose weight or burn abdominal fat. There are many reasons why people find it difficult to remove fat from your body and one of the common is that they have a slow metabolism which makes you more quickly accumulate fat in the abdomen or body parts.

When it comes to losing belly fat, most people never take the time due to strategize and put the pieces of the puzzle needed to succeed.

To streamline and optimize your chances you have to understand it will take time, but the good news is that it can take much less time to lose belly fat it took to generate it.

You have to make it clear that exercise alone is not enough to lose belly fat, for more exercises you do will not work if you do not follow a diet of foods rich in protein and vitamins, such as those mentioned above. Good nutrition is essential to see the results you want.

Not recommend you to do other aerobic exercises, as these are a key component to losing belly fat more efficiently and effectively. Resistance training is great for improving strength and increasing lean body mass.

But if you are overweight, which two thirds of the population have it and want to lose belly fat, aerobic exercise is the best choice because it burns more calories.

Put your foot down on proper nutrition. If you are serious about getting rid of abdominal fat, reduce the empty calories of junk food.

Studies have shown that the stress hormone, cortisol, are signals the body to store abdominal fat. You have to make an effort to reduce stress levels in your lifestyle in general. Plan ahead, and hone your time management skills. Take time to relax and settle your mind and the physical body down for a while each day.

Do not take yourself too many favors and responsibilities that can cause unnecessary stress. This not only stops the abdominal fat storage, will also improve your overall health.

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